F R E E °°° S H I P P I N G !!! IN HUNGARY


Is ’12 Months’ a vegetarian cookbook?

Less than half of the recipes in ’12 Months’ include fish or meat as a topping on a starter or a main dish, while these dishes can be served without these toppings, as well. The rest of the recipes with no meat or fish at the same time can be offered plain or as a side dish to accompany meat of fish. The recipes generally include recommendations on the varibility of the different dishes while the pictograms also assist navigation amongst the ingredients of the recipes.

Can we expect Vol. 2. to come?

Although the topic is infinite we do not plan to publish a second volume. What we do plan to do, ont he other hand, is to publish ’12 Months’ in as many languages as possible. We hope to have the German adaptation, ’Nur Salad.’ to be followed by an English version soon that has long been waited by many.

Is that true that ’12 Months’ is not available in bookstores?

It is true. However, you can find it on the shelves of one special bookstore in Budapest, called Írók Boltja, on Andrássy út. Insted of bookstores we decided to find uniqe distribution points and partners where ’12 Months’ can truly feel at home and its readers can encounter the book in its most obvious habitat. So look out for ’12 Months’ in design stores, delicacies, boutique hotels, cafes, etc., you will have a better chance to bump into some copies at such places. But if you do not want to go by the chances, click on our „Stockist” menu where you will find all the spots listed and this list is constantly growing. Feel free to make any recommendations. 

What is a „coffee table book”?

The expression „coffee table book” is used to describe a premium quality, large, album-size volume that is printed on quality paper and produced along strong visuals as well as an artistic design. Its practical and aesthetic aspects make it a nice read while as it is a beatiful object inside and out, it might as well end up on the coffee table or a shelf as a permanent interior design piece.